Casual chatting is Datuk Karim Bujang’s by-election campaign strategy as he goes door-to-door to meet the constituents in Kimanis. --BERNAMA
Casual chatting is Datuk Karim Bujang’s by-election campaign strategy as he goes door-to-door to meet the constituents in Kimanis. --BERNAMA

KIMANIS: Casual chatting is Datuk Karim Bujang’s by-election campaign strategy as he goes door-to-door to meet the constituents in Kimanis.

Jeffry Emeritus, 63, from Kampung Kelatuan said when the Parti Warisan Sabah candidate for Kimanis by-election had casually chatted with him.

“It has been awhile since I met him although I have known him for more than 10 years," said Jeffrey Emeritus from Kampung Kelatuan.

Jeffry Emeritus, 63, from Kampung Kelatuan. -NSTP/OLIVIA MIWIL
Jeffry Emeritus, 63, from Kampung Kelatuan. -NSTP/OLIVIA MIWIL

Jeffry, 63, said Karim engaged in casual chit-chat with him, when met at the Batu Enam district polling centre, here, today.

“Back then, I used to go to his cafe in Kimanis and we basically talked about anything,” he said, adding they were just talking about Karim's deer-rearing days and trips to firefly areas in Binsulok.

When asked whether the former Bongawan assemblyman mentioned about voting him as Kimanis' next parliamentarian, Jeffry said no and remarked that it was unnecessary as he knew Karim well.

 Catherine Anthony, 67, Papar. -NSTP/OLIVIA MIWIL.
Catherine Anthony, 67, Papar. -NSTP/OLIVIA MIWIL.

Another villager from Papar, Catherine Anthony, 67, said Karim asked about what her family members were working as.

“I told him that I am self-sufficient with limited income.. he then encouraged us to start a bird's nest project in our place.

“As his loyal follower, I believe he should represent us in Parliament as he has been helping the people although Karim is no longer a politician since the 13th General Election," she said.

Five-term assemblyman Karim, 67, arrived a few hours late for his scheduled campaign this rainy afternoon, however villagers waited patiently for him.

“As age is catching up, I get tired easily but (to show to people that I can be their voice), I stayed up to meet voters who come to my house until 2am.

“(Since the campaign began on Jan 4), on average, I would sleep between one and two hours everyday," Karim said.