Under fire Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he will not entertain calls for him to relinquish the post. Pic by NSTP/EIZAIRI SHAMSUDIN
Under fire Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he will not entertain calls for him to relinquish the post. Pic by NSTP/EIZAIRI SHAMSUDIN

KUALA LUMPUR: Under fire Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he will not entertain calls for him to relinquish the post.

He said he was elected to the post at the Umno general assembly and therefore only party members can decide on his position.

"My position can only be decided at the Umno general assembly, where a two thirds majority is needed.

“The meeting can be held anytime...whether in 10-days, a month or a year from now,” he said when contacted.

He was responding to the ultimatum issued by former minister and Larut member of parliament Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin.

Hamzah, who spoke on behalf of six other Umno parliamentarians who quit the party, said Zahid must quit the presidency immediately.

He said Zahid’s failure to lead the party had caused a crisis of confidence in the party.

Hamzah warned that a third wave of defections would occur if Zahid doesn’t resign within 10-days.

However, Zahid said Umno members should not call for his resignation in such an uncouth manner or poison others to reject him.

Earlier, Zahid in a twitter posting said there was no reason for party members to panic over the recent spate of defections from its ranks.

He said although many had left Umno, it will not affect the grassroots support for the party.

“It is only a temporary thing,” he said referring the the slew of Umno parliamentarians who had left the party in recent days and also previously.

“Umno members need not panic.

“Maybe this is the price we have to pay when we are trying to return to what Umno originally struggled for.

“There are those who have left Umno, but we believe it will not affect the grassroots support for the party, he said.

He was also quoted as saying by a newsportal that those saying that the party would collapse if he continued to hold on to the top post were just giving excuses.