State Umno liaison chairman Datuk Saarani Mohamad claimed that at least five of the party's assemblymen have been approached to assist in the Exco members' plan to pass a vote of no confidence against Ahmad Faizal. NSTP/ Muhaizan Yahya
State Umno liaison chairman Datuk Saarani Mohamad claimed that at least five of the party's assemblymen have been approached to assist in the Exco members' plan to pass a vote of no confidence against Ahmad Faizal. NSTP/ Muhaizan Yahya

SUNGAI SIPUT: Perak Umno today said troubles are brewing among state executive councillors from the Pakatan Harapan government with plans to oust Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu.

State Umno liaison chairman Datuk Saarani Mohamad claimed that at least five of the party's assemblymen have been approached to assist in the Exco members' plan to pass a vote of no confidence against Ahmad Faizal.

He said Umno assemblymen however have vowed not to participate in the plot, preferring to be voted in as the state government via election process.

"The formula they are working on is... with 18 DAP reps, six Parti Amanah Negara reps and four PKR reps in support while three including Ahmad Faizal himself, Datuk Nolee Ashilin Mohamed Radzi and Datuk Zainol Fadzi Paharuddin are against...

"Their number (28) is still insufficient to form a state government. They need at least two from Umno to support the motion and gain a simple majority of 30,

"As of last night, I heard Umno reps are still being approached," he told reporters after a programme with Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, here, today.

Saarani said as a state opposition leader, he has no plan to take part in an internal bickering within the state government although he believed that the state could face another political crisis, similar to the one in 2009.

He said the state government could not deny that it is facing a crisis after several Exco members were seen to be going against statements made by the Menteri Besar.

"They can't deny it, this is happening. When the Menteri Besar announces that a new airport will be built in Behrang, the next day an Exco member disagrees.

"The same goes when he says no to 999-year land titles for new village folk, the next day another Exco member gives a different view on the issue." he said.

Asked whether the crisis could trigger a state election, Saarani said the possibility is there if the internal strife continues.