Datuk Seri Mohamad Ali Mohamad said Umno is innocent and should not be blamed for the conduct of some of its members who had caused the party to stray from its cause to protect the Malays and uphold Islam. (NSTP/ RASUL AZLI SAMAD)
Datuk Seri Mohamad Ali Mohamad said Umno is innocent and should not be blamed for the conduct of some of its members who had caused the party to stray from its cause to protect the Malays and uphold Islam. (NSTP/ RASUL AZLI SAMAD)

MELAKA: Umno is not at fault but disloyal and irresponsible members should leave, the state party deputy liaison chairman said today, amid call to dissolve the party.

Datuk Seri Mohamad Ali Mohamad said Umno is innocent and should not be blamed for the conduct of some of its members who had caused the party to stray from its cause to protect the Malays and uphold Islam.

However, he said there is no need to heed to Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) chairman, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's suggestion to dissolve the party.

"It is not right to suggest dissolution of Umno when it is not the party's fault but some of its members.

"Those are just Dr Mahathir's personal views (to dissolve Umno). When in truth, Umno has done a lot for the Malays and Muslims in the country.

"Umno has fought to free the country from colonialism. In fact, the rapid development we enjoy today is partly due to the party's contribution," he told NSTP when contacted today.

Mohamad Ali was commenting on a report yesterday that Dr Mahathir said he had asked Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to dissolve the party.

The prime minister, who was also former Umno president, said this was because he believed the party no longer represented its original principles and struggles.

In the meantime, Mohamad Ali said Umno is currently heading towards reform following Barisan Nasional's defeat in the 14th General Election.

He also urged members to continue giving their full support to the party.

"There is no need to punish those who wish to leave or strayed from the party's struggle. Instead we hope those who are disloyal and have personal agenda to leave on their own accord.

"This is part of the 'cleansing' process within Umno." he said.