Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi rained fire on the party's two former stalwarts for quitting, as support for the country’s largest Malay political organisation continues to decline. File photo by: Hafiz Sohaimi
Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi rained fire on the party's two former stalwarts for quitting, as support for the country’s largest Malay political organisation continues to decline. File photo by: Hafiz Sohaimi

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi rained fire on the party's two former stalwarts for quitting, as support for the country’s largest Malay political organisation continues to decline.

Ahmad Zahid said Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed and Datuk Seri Anifah Aman’s resignations reflected their weakened resolve in times of crisis following Umno’s devastating defeat in the 14th general election (GE14).

“Of course, Umno regrets the actions by Mustapa and Anifah to leave the party.

“We need to be sincere and possess a strong competitive spirit to ensure the continuation of the party’s struggles. Leaving the party at a time it is being tested, is not something that is commendable or should be emulated.

“Islam teaches us to remain faithful (to our leaders) as long as no wrong has been committed,” Ahmad Zahid said in a statement today.

Mustapa yesterday said he believed Umno’s direction and his political principles were no longer aligned, while Anifah this morning said he had been wanting to leave the party.

Ahmad Zahid also criticised the reasons stated by Mustapa that led to his resignation.

“In light of the current situation, I want to state that whatever the reasons used to justify such actions are wrong, because they were elected as the people’s representatives based on the trust given by the masses for Umno.

“It is wrong to use the party’s weakness as an excuse for your personal agenda.

“But whatever it is, Umno accepts and respects their (Mustapa and Anifah) decisions. We wish them luck and that the decisions will provide them with a much-needed satisfaction.”

In a tweet, Rembau member of parliament and former party youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said Mustapa had left Umno due to the ongoing cooperation with PAS.

Khairy also blamed Zahid over Mustapa’s resignation.

Ahmad Zahid meanwhile called for party members to remain calm and assured them that the leadership was looking into addressing the issue.

“As Umno president, I am seriously looking into the current situation taking place in Umno.

“Against such a background, I implore all party leaders and members to remain calm and confident in the party leadership to address such issues.”

Ahmad Zahid expressed hope that the crisis would not weaken the party and that measures were being taken to rejuvenate the party.

“We will be holding the party’s general assembly at the end of this month. I hope that it will not (turn out) to weaken us. After GE14, various efforts had been implemented by Umno to regain party members and the people’s faith in Umno’s idealism.

“I hope such an issue will not debilitate Umno. The party needs loyalists for its survival. Let the loyal ones remain in Umno. Only then it will be easy for the party to administer its plans.”