KUALA LUMPUR: MCA will have to rethink its future during the party election in November following the 14th General Election defeat and failure to capture Balakong state seat, a veteran party leader said today.

Datuk Yap Pian Hon, who served as Serdang Member of Parliament for three terms (from 1995 to 2008), said MCA was now at its lowest since it joined Barisan Nasional and has to asked itself if the current leadership would be able to steer the party out of the rut.

He said MCA has never experienced such a defeat in its history whereby the party only has one representative in the Dewan Rakyat.

He said such a situation should raise alarm bells for the party to rise up and chart its future.

“The line-up of leaders today have brought on a big problem for the party and they have to be responsible for all the losses.”

“So during the party polls in November, young leaders and the grassroots have to play their role to assist MCA in rising up once more and remaining relevant,” he said when contacted by the New Straits Times Press here today.

On MCA’s defeat in the Balakong by-election yesterday where its candidate Tan Chee Teong only received 3,975 votes, Yap said one of the factors was down to the party’s decision to use the party logo instead of BN.

"The decision was poorly made as it ate into the party's chances of regaining some standing after the embarrassing GE14 showing."

Yap said the decision has caused confusion among the voters who felt that MCA should continue using the common BN logo.

“The voters, especially the Indians and Malays, would definitely be doubtful when MCA is using its own logo despite being a party under BN.”

“This causes many voters to be confused and not going out to vote, leading to the disappointing results,” he added.

Yap said support for MCA has actually dwindled since 2013 and the party failed to address the matter.

He said as an established party, MCA should be in tune with the current political development and know what voters want.

“As a veteran, I have also voiced my opinions but my views were dismissed and I was also accused of tarnishing the party image.”

“I did all that because of my love for MCA and I don't want things to continue like this,” said Yap who has been with the party for five decades and held the position of vice president for three terms.

“MCA has to do an in-depth study on the party performances as well as take immediate steps to improve itsef to restore the people’s confidence.” added Yap.

Serdang Associations' president, Datuk Yap Pian Hon. (NSTP/AIZUDDIN SAAD)
Serdang Associations' president, Datuk Yap Pian Hon. (NSTP/AIZUDDIN SAAD)