Tan Sri Annuar Musa at the “Melayu Bangkit” rally in Kampung Gajah here Saturday night. NSTP Pix by L. MANIMARAN.
Tan Sri Annuar Musa at the “Melayu Bangkit” rally in Kampung Gajah here Saturday night. NSTP Pix by L. MANIMARAN.

KAMPUNG GAJAH: Umno does not need and will not cooperate with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in carrying out its political agenda championing the struggles and woes of the Malay community.

Its secretary-general Tan Sri Annuar Musa said it is the PKR de facto leader who needed the assistance and help for Umno to ensure his own and party’s political future.

“Anwar had said that he will not work with Umno. In actual fact, Umno does not need Anwar Ibrahim.

“The time will come when Anwar will seek help and assistance from Umno,” said the Ketereh member of Parliament in his speech during the “Melayu Bangkit” rally in Kampung Gajah here last night.

Umno Youth chief Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki and Puteri Umno head Datuk Zarida Zarik Khan were also present.

Also in attendance were Umno Supreme Council members Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman and Datuk Lokman Noor Adam as well as State Umno liaison committee chairman Datuk Saarani Mohamad.

In an exclusive interview with the New Straits Times Press recently, Anwar dismissed rumours on future cooperation with Umno if he was appointed as prime minister succeeding Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The former deputy prime minister described the rumours as baseless which was triggered by his recent statement against his former party.

Annuar insisted Umno “never died” despite expelling prominent figures from the party including Dr Mahathir and Anwar.

Umno, he said, does not need both of these leaders and that the party will rise again from the defeat during the 14th General Election with undivided support from the Malay community.

Annuar later told reporters that he was unsatisfied with the turnout at the gathering and instructed Tajuddin to organise the same rally in other parts of the country.

He said it was important for the people to be given avenues to voice their concerns on the current political development in the country especially on issues concerning the position of Islam as the official religion, special rights of Malay and Bumiputera as well as the sovereignty of Malay Rulers.

“I would like to stress that the gathering must be held according to the rules and regulation of the country. Do not treat the rally as an event to spread hatred against other races,” he said.