Chairman Datuk Tan Teik Cheng said the public’s response to its candidates was better now than during the 13th General Election (GE13).
Chairman Datuk Tan Teik Cheng said the public’s response to its candidates was better now than during the 13th General Election (GE13).
In GE14, Tan will face a five-cornered fight involving PKR candidate Lee Khai Loon, Lim Jhun Hou (Parti Bersama Malaysia), Md Jamil Abd Rahman (Pas) and Tan Ah Ba (Parti Rakyat Malaysia).
In GE14, Tan will face a five-cornered fight involving PKR candidate Lee Khai Loon, Lim Jhun Hou (Parti Bersama Malaysia), Md Jamil Abd Rahman (Pas) and Tan Ah Ba (Parti Rakyat Malaysia).

GEORGE TOWN: Penang MCA has denied being rejected by voters in the state, saying that response from the people had actually improved.

Its chairman Datuk Tan Teik Cheng said the public’s response to its candidates was better now than during the 13th General Election (GE13).

He noted that in GE13, many MCA candidates faced difficulty when trying to explain government policies to the people.

He said that voters were reluctant to meet MCA candidates back then, but the situation was different over the last two days.

Tan said MCA candidates were well received by the people this time around.

“We do not hold talks or campaigns on a large scale in each area because we feel it is better to meet voters directly and listen to their problems.

“The focus of MCA candidates throughout the campaign until May 9 is to visit every morning market, food court and wet market to meet as many people as possible,” he said today.

In GE14, Tan will face a five-cornered fight involving PKR candidate Lee Khai Loon, Lim Jhun Hou (Parti Bersama Malaysia), Md Jamil Abd Rahman (Pas) and Tan Ah Ba (Parti Rakyat Malaysia).

Tan will only hold large-scale talks in Bagan (May 4), Bukit Mertajam (May 5) and Tanjong.

He will also attend a joint ceramah with Gerakan at the Penang Chinese Assembly Hall (May 8).

“After not having any seat in the past 10 years, we are aware of the need to do much to win back the voters, especially the Chinese who are the majority in Penang.

“I am confident we can win in one or two state seats and if Barisan Nasional (BN) fails to capture Penang again, MCA can be a strong opposition voice in the state,” he said.