People seen here releasing bags of hatchlings under the bridge of a river believed to be located in Hulu Bernam. -- Pic from FB
People seen here releasing bags of hatchlings under the bridge of a river believed to be located in Hulu Bernam. -- Pic from FB

KUALA LUMPUR: Netizens have expressed concern after a video appeared online allegedly showing the release of some 10,000 catfish hatchlings into a river in Selangor, which they claimed could pose a threat to the ecosystem.

In a posting on Facebook, user "CCTV TG MALIM" shared several pictures and videos of people releasing bags of hatchlings under the bridge of a river believed to be located in Hulu Bernam.

This led to critical and concerned comments as many believed that the hatchlings were an invasive species.

Ikhwan Syafieq called on the Fisheries Department to investigate the incident, as he wanted to know what species of fish was released into the river.

"Fisheries Department please take action. Please do some research on what species of fish that can be released," he wrote.

"You need to know which species are invasive and which are local. I hope everyone is aware of that."

Muhammad Nur Arif believed that the hatchlings were likely African catfish, which he said was an invasive species.

"This is just recklessly done on a personal whim. Have some sense, releasing catfish into the river. It's likely an African catfish species.

"I'm calling for the responsible agency to take action. They are just doing as they please. The catfish will eat everything, young fish, young prawns and even possibly all the fish eggs.

"Whatever type of catfish it is, it will devour everything. It's really irresponsible," he commented.

The post had since garnered 1,200 comments and reactions, besides being shared close to 400 times.