A screengrab from a viral video shows the crocodile dragging the baby elephant in Sungai Kinabatangan.
A screengrab from a viral video shows the crocodile dragging the baby elephant in Sungai Kinabatangan.

KOTA KINABALU: There has been no sign of the carcass of the baby elephant that was dragged into Sungai Kinabatangan by a crocodile.

When asked to comment on viral videos of the incident, Kinabatangan Corridor of Life Tourism Operators Association (KiTA) president Alexander Yee said the association's members were aware of what happened.

"This is part of life in the jungle," he said.

"There have been no cases of boats being attacked by crocodiles in the last 20 years of operating my lodge in Sungai Kinabatangan," said Yee, who owns Nature Lodge Kinabatangan in Kampung Bilit.

He believed the baby elephant was unlikely to survive the attack.

"If it's dead, it's unlikely we will see its carcass soon since the eating habit of a crocodile is to bury its hunt, wait for it to decompose, then consume it."