A swift response from Sikamat police led to the heartwarming reunion of a 4-year-old autistic boy with his family, after he wandered away while under the care of his elder brothers. PIC SCREEN CAPTURED FROM SOCMED
A swift response from Sikamat police led to the heartwarming reunion of a 4-year-old autistic boy with his family, after he wandered away while under the care of his elder brothers. PIC SCREEN CAPTURED FROM SOCMED

KUALA LUMPUR: A swift response from Sikamat police led to the heartwarming reunion of a 4-year-old autistic boy with his family, after he wandered away while under the care of his elder brothers.

Seremban police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohamad Hatta Che Din recounted how the boy was spotted outside a convenience store in Taman College Heights, Seremban Putra, by concerned members of the public, having journeyed nearly a kilometre from his home.

"The boy managed to slip out of his house while he was with his brothers and wandered through the residential areas to reach the convenience store.

"Upon being discovered by locals, they promptly sought assistance from the police. Despite our efforts to identify him, nobody recognised him.

"So, we turned to a community Facebook group, and not long after that, his brothers arrived to take him home," he told the New Straits Times.

Hatta added that while awaiting his brothers' arrival, police engaged the boy, asking him questions and ensuring his well-being, even providing food and drinks as he had been lost for several hours.

Earlier today, a touching video surfaced on social media, capturing a mobile patrol unit policeman tenderly carrying the boy and reuniting him with his family.