Toh Puan Hamidah Abdul Hamid pours rose water during the funeral of the late Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar at the Bukit Kiara Muslim Cemetery. -NSTP/SADIQ SANI
Toh Puan Hamidah Abdul Hamid pours rose water during the funeral of the late Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar at the Bukit Kiara Muslim Cemetery. -NSTP/SADIQ SANI

KUALA LUMPUR: The family of the late former inspector-general of police Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar refuted claims that the change in his burial spot to the Taman Bukit Kiara Muslim Cemetery was due to their request.

His son, Captain (Rtd) Abdul Rahmat Omar Mohamed Hanif, in a statement said no discussions were held by the Protocol Unit with the family on the decision to change his burial spot from Makam Pahlawan to Bukit Kiara.

"This statement is being made because there are rumours that our family requested the change, and there are also parties making unhealthy political assumptions."

He said the final information and communication regarding the management of his late father's burial with the police was at 9.45am on the burial day, when he was asked to consider bringing his father's body straight to the National Mosque for funeral arrangements before being brought to Makam Pahlawan.

Abdul Rahmat shared the full chronology of the day.

"3.16am: I issued the first statement announcing the passing of the late Tun.

"6.22am: I announced that the body would be at home until 10am to allow relatives and friends to pay their respects. Subsequently, the late Tun was taken to Masjid Al-Ikhlas, Section 13, Shah Alam for bathing, shrouding and funeral prayers. No burial decisions could be made until we received feedback from the police's secretariat and welfare department.

"8.40am: I issued the final information that after prayers at Masjid Al-Ikhlas, the body would be taken to the Bukit Aman Police Mosque for final respects and prayers before being taken to Bukit Kiara.

"Around 9.45am, I was told by the police to consider taking the body directly to the National Mosque for all arrangements until burial at Makam Pahlawan. After discussing it with my mother, we agreed. This was the final information and communication regarding the management of the late Tun's burial until the announcement was made by the Imam of the National Mosque stating that the burial would be at Bukit Kiara," he said.

Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar passed away at the age of 85 on April 20.

He was the country's longest-serving inspector-general of police, holding the position from 1974 to 1994.