The calls for the state government to ban Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh from entering Sabah is outright 'immature', a Sabah Umno Youth leader said.- BERNAMA pic
The calls for the state government to ban Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh from entering Sabah is outright 'immature', a Sabah Umno Youth leader said.- BERNAMA pic

KOTA KINABALU: The calls for the state government to ban Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh from entering Sabah is outright 'immature', a Sabah Umno Youth leader said.

Kinabatangan Umno Youth chief Mohd Naim Kurniawan Moktar said Parti Bersatu Sabah Youth chief Christoper Mandut should investigate and access the situation before making any proposal involving the Umno Youth chief.

Mohd Naim said the presence of Dr Akmal, who is also the Merlimau assemblyman, in Saba was entirelt upon the invitation of certain parties.

"The people of Sabah are very mature in understanding the issues advocated by Dr Akmal Saleh, especially in defending the sanctity of the word 'Allah' from being degraded by certain parties.

Kinabatangan Umno Youth chief Mohd Naim Kurniawan Moktar said Parti Bersatu Sabah Youth chief Christoper Mandut should investigate and access the situation before making any proposal involving the Umno Youth chief. - Piccourtesy of Sabah Umno
Kinabatangan Umno Youth chief Mohd Naim Kurniawan Moktar said Parti Bersatu Sabah Youth chief Christoper Mandut should investigate and access the situation before making any proposal involving the Umno Youth chief. - Piccourtesy of Sabah Umno

"If there is a desire to prohibit Dr Akmal from entering Sabah, it is suggested that a ban should first be imposed on those who deliberately stir up this issue (calling for an entry ban on Dr Akmal)," he said in a statement today.

Mohd Naim was commenting on the calls made by Christoper for the Sabah government to bar Dr Akmal from entering the state as the latter was deemed to escalate racial tensions over the KK Mart issue.

Mohd Naim, who is the Umno Youth treasurer, added that leaders like Christopher should engage with leaders from different backgrounds to 'broaden their perspectives'.

"The society in Sabah is very mature and will not be swayed by political culture, let alone division among the people in the state," he said.

Meanwhile, Sabah Umno deputy election director II Datuk Fadilah Sabri understand and respected the cause being championed by Dr Akmal,

"Sabah Umno respects that stance, especially when it touches on the sensitivity of Muslims.

"We hope that all parties will not prolong and exacerbate the issue because it can spread and lead to inter-ethnic strife, especially in Sabah, where the community consists of various ethnicities and religions," she said.

Fadilah also said Umno has existed in Sabah for 33 years and there have been no negative actions by the state party affecting harmony among the people of various ethnicities in the state.