Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said out of the total 13,530 detainees, 3,375 were Indonesians. STR/HAZREEN MOHAMAD
Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said out of the total 13,530 detainees, 3,375 were Indonesians. STR/HAZREEN MOHAMAD

BUKIT JALIL: Indonesians make up the highest number of detainees at immigration depots and Baitul Mahabbah, accounting for approximately 25 per cent of the nationwide total as of March 31.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said out of the total 13,530 detainees, 3,375 were Indonesians.

The total capacity at 20 depots nationwide is 20,450, while three Baitul Mahabbah have a capacity of 300.

"The top five countries which recorded the highest number at immigration depots are Indonesia (3,375, 25 per cent), the Philippines (3,345, 24.7 per cent), Rohingyas (2,653, 19.6 per cent), Myanmar (1,988, 14.7 per cent), Bangladesh (719, 5.3 per cent), and Thailand (340, 2.5 per cent).

"The remaining (1,110, 8.2 per cent) are from other countries, including China, India, Vietnam, Nepal, Pakistan, and Cambodia," he told reporters after handing out Hari Raya clothes to children at the Bukit Jalil Immigration depot.

He said of the total, 9,438 were men, 2,696 were women, 772 were boys, and 624 were girls.

He said those who are recognised as citizens of a country could be repatriated to their home countries immediately after the embassy provided their documents.

Those who have overstayed, misused their passes, or are undocumented, on the other hand, would have to be penalised first under the Immigration Act before being repatriated.

From Jan 1 to March 31, Saifuddin said the government has repatriated 11,303 to their home countries.

"There are 8,279 men, 2,661 women, 200 boys, and 163 girls," he said.