Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has called on Muslims to optimise opportunities available during Ramadan. -PIC CREDIT: FACEBOOK/ANWAR IBRAHIM
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has called on Muslims to optimise opportunities available during Ramadan. -PIC CREDIT: FACEBOOK/ANWAR IBRAHIM

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has called on Muslims to take heed of the messages conveyed in the al-Quran in the path of becoming God-fearing people with morals; and who are fair and moderate in all aspects.

"We are called on to intensify Quran recitation during Ramadan to elevate our status and pahala, but it shouldn't stop there.

"Muslims are also urged to contemplate (tadabbur) the meaning of Qurani's calls and wishes that are filled with messages of morality and humanity," he said in a post on Facebook today.

In fact, he said, understanding the messages in the Quran should be emphasised more as it is alive, speaks and is a guidance in all of history.

The lessons from Allah's commands are not only conveyed specifically for the believers, but rather, serve as guidance for people (hudan linnas), he said.

"Although in the end, we're only able to get just a drop of the vast al-Quran's sea of wisdom, Allah never burdens his servants and hence, it is sufficient in fulfilling the important part of our lives as humans.

"May our companionship with the Quran become our enlightenment in this world and defence in the afterlife.

"Let's commemorate Nuzul al-Quran."

Nuzul al-Quran refers to the event where the first recitation of the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad on Friday, the 17th night of Ramadan at the Hira Cave, Mekah on his 41st birthday.