His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia delivers his royal address during the investiture ceremony of Federal Territories awards, medals and honours at Istana Negara. - BERNAMA PIC
His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia delivers his royal address during the investiture ceremony of Federal Territories awards, medals and honours at Istana Negara. - BERNAMA PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia said he was ready to implement his true style of rule now that nearly two months had passed since ascending the throne.

"The honeymoon is nearly over. In less than two weeks it will be almost two months since I ascended the throne.

"Once this honeymoon period is over I will start my true style of overseeing the country as the Head of State," he said.

The King added that he was "not a statue to be worshipped, or used as an ornament in ceremonies, or forced to follow every word and wish of ministers."

"I want to emphasise that I shoulder the trust of the Malay Rulers to protect the interests of the people and the country," he said in his address at the investiture ceremony of Federal Territories awards, medals and honours at Istana Negara today.

The ceremony was also attended by the Queen, Her Majesty Raja Zarith Sofiah.

At the investiture ceremony, Sultan Ibrahim conferred federal awards, medals and honours on recipients led by Kuala Lumpur Mayor Datuk Kamarulzaman Mat Salleh who received the Darjah Kebesaran Seri Mahkota Wilayah (SMW) which carries the title Datuk Seri.Also present were Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as well as Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Federal Territories) Dr Zaliha Mustafa.

On the conferment of awards, medals and honours, Sultan Ibrahim said that they were meant to recognise individuals who had rendered service or contributed to the Federal Territories, emphasising that careful selection was made to ensure deserving recipients.

"I have personally reviewed each candidate prepared by the Selection Committee, and this year I have decided that only 36 individuals are truly deserving of the awards," said His Majesty.