CarlsBot machines, designed by a local inventor, can pulverise an impressive 600 kilogrammes of glass bottles per hour.- Courtesy pic Carlsbot Project
CarlsBot machines, designed by a local inventor, can pulverise an impressive 600 kilogrammes of glass bottles per hour.- Courtesy pic Carlsbot Project

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah's efforts in glass recycling have taken a significant leap with the expansion of two recycling sites in Kampung Madsiang and Shangri-La Rasa Ria.

The innovative CarlsBot project, launched at Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem (TAME), is a collaborative effort between a brewery and Ripple Sabah, a non-governmental association.

CarlsBot machines, designed by a local inventor, can pulverise an impressive 600 kilogrammes of glass bottles per hour.

The project has engaged over 1,700 community members, including participants in recycling workshops, visitors learning about waste management at TAME, as well as retirees, students, and unemployed youths who earned income through the project.

This initiative not only promotes glass waste recycling but also transforms it into valuable resources like cullets and sand, used in furniture, garden pavers, and handicrafts.

Ripple Sabah's chairperson, Jenifer Lasimbang, expressed pride in providing a local recycling ecosystem benefiting the community.

Alex Phuah, resident manager at Shangri-La Rasa Ria, highlighted the project's role in promoting responsible tourism and aligning with shared values.

Both stakeholders aim to continue supporting and expanding the project for a sustainable impact in Tuaran's community.