Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim addressing staff of the Prime Minister’s Department at its monthly gathering. Also present was Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali, among others. NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim addressing staff of the Prime Minister’s Department at its monthly gathering. Also present was Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali, among others. NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has urged the Muslim community to embrace Ramadan by extending their support to those in need within society.

He said Ramadan also serves as a paramount institution for refining practices while bolstering strength, faith, morality and self-discipline.

"Therefore, it is crucial to remember that Ramadan delves into broader ethical issues, signifying a concerted effort to increase charitable giving, engage in acts of kindness, and for each individual to contribute what they can to assist the less fortunate in our society.

"If the true essence of Ramadan is embraced, the issues within our nation can be better managed. Likewise, if we effectively manage our families here in Malaysia, we can serve as examples to our acquaintances abroad," he said during the Prime Minister's Department monthly assembly today.

He also addressed criticisms from a select few who accused him of trivialising the essence of worship by linking Ramadan to issues of awareness, poverty and discipline.

He vehemently denied any disregard for the spiritual significance and worship aspect when discussing Islam in terms of governance.

He said discussions about Islam must emphasise the importance of adhering to established laws, including specific acts of worship.

"What's the purpose of engaging in the Ramadan observance if our circumstances remain unchanged from the previous year? Participating in Ramadan signifies a return to spiritual schooling, akin to facing tests in school.

"However, if our tests fail to demonstrate improvement in faith, morals, spiritual fortitude and discipline, then the true essence of Ramadan's trial is lost."

Anwar also shared insights from his recent audience with His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia, who advised against extravagance during Ramadan.

"During our conversation, His Majesty emphasised that breaking the fast should involve modest consumption — simply a sip of water, a date, followed by the Maghrib prayer.

"His Majesty's advice serves as a poignant reminder to avoid excess, especially considering the abundant feasts that sometimes occur at the Palace.

"It's a call for us to exercise prudence and ensure that funds are directed towards those in need."