The Mossy Forest stands as a living museum, a testament to the enduring beauty of Malaysia's natural heritage - File pic credit (Tourism Malaysia)
The Mossy Forest stands as a living museum, a testament to the enduring beauty of Malaysia's natural heritage - File pic credit (Tourism Malaysia)

PERCHED near the zenith of Mount Brinchang in Pahang, the Mossy Forest is a marvel of nature, cloaked in a tapestry of green that whispers tales of ancient times.

This majestic forest, sprawling across 914 hectares and regarded as the oldest in Malaysia, offers an escape into a world that time seems to have forgotten.

At around 200 million years old, the journey through the Mossy Forest is a journey back to the very essence of nature.


The adventure begins with a thrilling drive up Mount Brinchang, the highest point accessible by road in Southeast Asia, sitting at 2,031 metres above sea level.

This route not only leads you to the enchanted realms of the Mossy Forest but also offers panoramic views of the stunning Sungai Palas tea plantation, a sight that rivals the beauty of the forest itself.


File pic credit (Tourism Malaysia)
File pic credit (Tourism Malaysia)

Upon entering the Mossy Forest, you're greeted by an ecosystem that seems plucked from a fairy tale.

Thick moss embraces the trees, mist shrouds the air, and clouds weave through the branches, creating a setting so mystical it's as if it were conjured by magic. This moist, misty environment is a haven for moss, ferns, lichens, orchids, and a host of montane fauna unique to this highland sanctuary.

The silence of the forest is profound, broken only by the soft whispers of nature as you navigate through the labyrinth of intertwining branches and stems.

The elevated boardwalk, stretching 200 metres just before the peak, offers a safe pathway through the forest, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the serene beauty of this ancient woodland.


File pic credit (Tourism Malaysia)
File pic credit (Tourism Malaysia)

Exploring the Mossy Forest is an adventure meant for those who respect and marvel at nature's wonders.

With the forest's vast expanse and challenging trails, it's advisable to visit with an experienced local guide.

The boardwalk ends with a trail leading to Mount Irau, presenting an option for the more adventurous to trek to Cameron Highlands' highest peak. Those preferring a less strenuous experience can simply retrace their steps back.


The Mossy Forest welcomes visitors with an entry fee of RM10 for adults and RM5 for children below 12 years old for a 200m walk.

The forest's cool climate calls for appropriate attire and trekking gear, ensuring a comfortable exploration.

The best time to visit is early in the morning when the forest is at its most mystical, enveloped in a soft, ethereal mist that enhances its otherworldly ambience.