Cameron Highlands continues to charm visitors with its natural beauty and its status as a producer of some of the world's finest teas. - File pic credit (Wikipedia)
Cameron Highlands continues to charm visitors with its natural beauty and its status as a producer of some of the world's finest teas. - File pic credit (Wikipedia)

SAT on the chilly sides of Pahang's mountains, Cameron Highlands is a testament to the country's rich agricultural heritage, offering a serene escape and a sip of some of the finest teas in the world.

With a history intertwined with British colonial times, the region's tea cultivation legacy dates back to the 1920s. The area was developed into a hill station by the British, and its potential for tea cultivation was swiftly recognised. Today, it hosts some of the oldest tea estates like the BOH Tea Plantation, integral to the local economy and culture.

BOH’s Sungei Palas Tea Garden is one of the most iconic attractions in Cameron Highlands. - File pic credit (NSTP)
BOH’s Sungei Palas Tea Garden is one of the most iconic attractions in Cameron Highlands. - File pic credit (NSTP)

Cameron Highlands is predominantly known for its aromatic and richly flavoured black tea. The unique taste profile, attributed to the cool climate and high altitude, is savoured by tea enthusiasts worldwide. Additionally, estates in the region have expanded their offerings to include green tea and a range of flavoured teas, catering to a wide array of palates.

The vast, picturesque tea plantations are a major tourist attraction. Visitors are drawn to the neatly lined tea terraces for the breathtaking views and the guided tours that detail the tea-making process from plucking to processing. Most estates feature tea shops where one can sample and purchase freshly produced tea, along with exclusive blends and tea-related souvenirs.

Many tea plantations will offer visitors the chance to sample their teas. - File pic credit (Frommer’s)
Many tea plantations will offer visitors the chance to sample their teas. - File pic credit (Frommer’s)

Beyond its fame for tea, Cameron Highlands is a haven for eco-tourists. The region offers a multitude of activities, including trekking and visiting butterfly gardens, strawberry farms, and flower nurseries.

The culinary experience in the highlands is also noteworthy, particularly the fresh produce and the iconic 'steamboat' dining experience, a communal hotpot dish beloved by locals and tourists alike.

Whether as a tea enthusiast eager to explore the origins of exquisite tea blends or a nature lover seeking tranquillity, Cameron Highlands provides a unique blend of tradition, natural beauty, and cultural experiences. As a destination that promises tranquillity and a taste of tradition, Cameron Highlands continues to charm visitors with its natural beauty and its status as a producer of some of the world's finest teas.