New Straits Times

KUALA LUMPUR: Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has ended his tenure as Malaysian National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs (MKI) chairman.

In a posting on the Selangor Royal Office Facebook page, the ruler said he would leave it to the Conference of Rulers to choose a new chairman from among the Malay rulers.

Sultan Sharafuddin has been the chairman of MKI from March 10, 2022 to March 9 this year.

Today, Sultan Sharafuddin granted an audience to Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director general Datin Paduka Hakimah Mohd Yusoff, who is also MKI secretary, and the MKI secretariat.

In the last meeting in his role as MKI chairman, he expressed his appreciation for the cooperation given by the committee members and the secretariat during his time as its chairman.

Sultan Sharafuddin also expressed gratitude for the commitment showed by the council members, state representatives and Jakim, as the secretariat, in carrying our their duties effectively which enabled the MKI meeting to run smoothly.