PADANG TERAP: The hissing of a king cobra from under her bed shocked a woman who was sleeping soundly in her home in Kampung Padang Setol, Pedu early today.

She discovered the snake at about 2am and contacted her husband, who was away working at the time. The couple then contacted the Fire and Rescue Department.

Kuala Nerang Fire and Rescue station chief Mohd Aminudin Mad Khozali said a team was despatched to the house.

Led by Mohd Asri Shamsudin, they found the king cobra snake hiding under the bed in one of the rooms in the house.

"The 3.5m-long snake was initially aggressive when firemen tried to capture it, but thanks to their skills and experience, they caught the reptile with special equipment.

"This is the largest king cobra we have caught in this district this year. We believe that more snakes will come out following the current hot weather," Aminudin said when contacted.

The hissing of a king cobra from under her bed shocked a woman who was sleeping soundly in her home in Kampung Padang Setol, Pedu early today. PIC COURTESY OF FIRE & RESCUE DEPT.
The hissing of a king cobra from under her bed shocked a woman who was sleeping soundly in her home in Kampung Padang Setol, Pedu early today. PIC COURTESY OF FIRE & RESCUE DEPT.

He said snakes like to find cool and dark places such as under beds or cushions, attics and toilets.

He urged people to practice caution and maintain cleanliness. He also warned people against hitting or trying to capture the snakes by themselves.

"King cobras are very dangerous. Please contact the Fire and Rescue Department to catch snakes because we have the trained manpower and the right equipment to do so," said Aminudin.