Former chief minister Lim Guan Eng’s public rebuke of the Gurney Bay project has earned the wrath of netizens in social media.- Pic credit FB Lim Guan Eng
Former chief minister Lim Guan Eng’s public rebuke of the Gurney Bay project has earned the wrath of netizens in social media.- Pic credit FB Lim Guan Eng

GEORGE TOWN: Former chief minister Lim Guan Eng's public rebuke of the Gurney Bay project has earned the wrath of netizens in social media.

A day after phase one of the Gurney Bay project opened its doors to the public on Sunday, Lim took to his Facebook account to point out the shoddy work quality.

When Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow responded that the contractor of the Gurney Bay project would undertake any repairs at the site, Lim again went public yesterday, asking government leaders not to protect errant contractors and civil servants who failed to do their monitoring and supervision work professionally at the expense of the public.

His action, however, did not sit well with netizens who questioned his motives.

Former diplomat Dennis Ignatius took to X to say that Lim continues to harass his successor.

"Silent on issues of national'importance but very vocal in attacking his own party member.

"Will give Anwar (Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) time and space but not the chief minister.

Government leaders should not protect errant contractors and civil servants who fail to do their monitoring and supervision work professionally at the expense of the public, former Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng said.- Pic credit FB Lim Guan Eng
Government leaders should not protect errant contractors and civil servants who fail to do their monitoring and supervision work professionally at the expense of the public, former Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng said.- Pic credit FB Lim Guan Eng

"Petty, mean spirited and biased," he said.

Another post by one Chunlit Leong said having no position in government does not mean that Lim should start acting like in the


Leong said Lim should instead discuss formally with all the PIC (person in charge) which was much more practical.

"It's not like you don't have contact number of your comrades.

"Complaining here won't get things rectified as efficient as highlighting to the authorities directly," he said.

Vigneswary Krishnasamy said Lim should solve the problem with the people concerned and not create some cheap publicity for himself.

Pok Moon said:

"I highly respect you for years until today when you uttered such words to your comrades.

"This kind of highlight should discuss with the relevant parties involved but not through social channel which you clearly intend to disgrace your comrades," Pok Moon said.

Cheow Yin Heng told Lim to work together and not criticise each other.

"Until when you want to become like opposition? This is your comrade. Need to support each other.

"We all can see what you do. Next term we don't need you if still haven't change your mindset," he added.

Lau Karn Fong said: "Eh eh eh...You don't have Chow's Whatapps ah?"

Sujendran Pandian asked Lim if he was only waiting for the opportunity to whack Chow.

"But seriously he (Chow) is doing a better job than you and please we don't need an outsider like you to be Penang CM again.

"Go play far and stop your drama," he added.