Former two-time Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has expressed profound disappointment regarding the perspectives of certain Malaysians, particularly the non-Muslims, who considered the Israeli attack on Gaza as an issue solely pertinent to Muslims. NSTP FILE PIC
Former two-time Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has expressed profound disappointment regarding the perspectives of certain Malaysians, particularly the non-Muslims, who considered the Israeli attack on Gaza as an issue solely pertinent to Muslims. NSTP FILE PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Former two-time Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has expressed profound disappointment regarding the perspectives of certain Malaysians, particularly the non-Muslims, who considered the Israeli attack on Gaza as an issue solely pertinent to Muslims.

He emphasised that framing this conflict as a war solely between Israelis and Palestinians was a misconception.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Dr Mahathir said that it represented a clear case of powerful oppression against the weak, constituting an international crime.

"We abhor bullying in school. But in this case the bullying is done by a strong country against weak people. It involves killing men, women, children and babies.

"Our condemnation of this bullying should be stronger. But obviously some of us don't. We think it is the problem of Muslims. Non-Muslims should not care.

"But civilised human societies laws do not differentiate between race or religion. Laws apply to everyone equally. Thus if you murder someone, you have committed a crime whether you are of any race or religion," he added.

Dr Mahathir underscored repeatedly that the conflict depicted in the news and on social media was not simply a war between two nations, but rather a genocide perpetrated by the Israelis against the Palestinians.

Moreover, he reiterated that regardless of the perpetrator, genocide was a crime, even if it were committed by Palestinians against Israelis.

"So we should all object to this. Whether we are Muslims or Christians or even if we are of the same religion as the Jews we should protest against the barbaric acts that are being perpetrated now in Gaza and the West Bank.

"So I hope that Malaysians of whatever origin, whether they be Muslims or non-Muslims, Christians or Buddhists or Hindus, should not consider this as something that is happening only to Muslims.

"This is happening to fellow human beings. Remember millions of Muslims died to defeat Germany and to end the oppression of the Jews," he added.

In a disappointing tone Dr Mahathir wrote on his post, highlighting that despite the claim of unity as Malaysians, a clear division was evident among the populace regarding this human tragedy.