A statement claiming that infidels (kafir) are making efforts to topple Islam, that was uploaded on the Facebook page of Permatang Pauh member of Parliament Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan, was a mistake. - Pic credit Facebook Ustaz Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan
A statement claiming that infidels (kafir) are making efforts to topple Islam, that was uploaded on the Facebook page of Permatang Pauh member of Parliament Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan, was a mistake. - Pic credit Facebook Ustaz Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan

BUTTERWORTH: A statement claiming that infidels (kafir) are making efforts to topple Islam, that was uploaded on the Facebook page of Permatang Pauh member of Parliament Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan, was a mistake.

Fawwaz, when contacted by BH, said he hopes the matter would not be overblown since it has been taken down by his Facebook page administrator.

He said the statement does not reflect his personal view and that he did not know anything about it until he was informed by several parties.

"Actually, it (the statement) was uploaded by my Facebook administrator without my knowledge. It was a mistake on the administrator's part and I apologise if anyone was offended by it.

"The administrator has also informed me about it and I have forgiven him as nobody is above making mistakes so I hope that the matter will not be overblown," said Fawwaz, who is Penang Pas Youth chief.

He said he will be more careful when uploading any statement so that it does not affect the racial and religious harmony.

Earlier, the MalaysiaKini news portal reported about the statement which reads 'Dalam sirah belum pernah ada sejarah kafir ada keinginan untuk memartabatkan agama mu wahai Muslim, tetapi menjatuhkan agama mu selalu diingatkan dalam al-Quran' (never in history have infidels had any desire to glorify your religion O Muslims, but them trying to topple your religion is always reminded in the Quran).

The statement is seen to be in contrast to the writing of Pas President Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang in the book Fiqh al-Harakah.

Freelance preacher Wan Ji Wan Hussein pointed the matter by citing several examples of infidels helping Prophet Muhammad in the proselytising of Islam as mentioned in Abdul Hadi's writing.

Fawwaz won the Permatang Pauh seat with a majority of 5,272 votes in the 15th General Election.