The Hadhari Mosque here in Jertih has been distributing 'pocket money' of RM7 in the hope of attracting young children below the age of 15 to come and perform Subuh and Isyak prayers in congregation at the mosque. -NSTP/NURUL FATIHAH SULAINI
The Hadhari Mosque here in Jertih has been distributing 'pocket money' of RM7 in the hope of attracting young children below the age of 15 to come and perform Subuh and Isyak prayers in congregation at the mosque. -NSTP/NURUL FATIHAH SULAINI

BESUT: The Hadhari Mosque here in Jertih has been distributing 'pocket money' of RM7 in the hope of attracting young children below the age of 15 to come and perform Subuh and Isyak prayers in congregation at the mosque.

Hadhari Mosque management board chairman Baharudin Ibrahim said the initiative of giving children pocket money was implemented only last week and it is one of the mosque's youth programmes to encourage more people, especially children and youths to patronise the mosque.

Baharudin said children who perform Subuh prayers at the mosque receive RM5 in cash while those who perform Isyak prayers will receive RM2.

"It is hoped that the money will be used wisely such as pocket money for school, and therefore lessening some of the financial burden on the parents.

"Such an approach is part of the mosque's efforts to encourage more to come to the Mosque and pray together, especially children," he said.

Baharudin said that the programme has received encouraging responses from the local community.

According to Baharudin, at the beginning there were only a few children who turned up to pray in congregation at the mosque, and by the second week the number tripled.

"This programme will be a daily routine and we also encourage other Mosques to carry out programmes that can attract more young people to come and pray at the mosque," he said.

Baharudin stated that the Hadhari Mosque youth programme also incorporates other activities that advocates frequenting the Mosque, such as Quran classes, self-improvement camps and community work just to name a few.

Through such activities, it is hopes that the youth will be equipped with good values and leadership skills that will help to mould and shape them into adults who will contribute positively towards society in the future.