Digital Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has urged police and the Election Commission to investigate claims by Kedah Perikatan Nasional chief Datuk Seri Sanusi Md Nor that voters were being paid to return to vote in the Padang Serai election. - Bernama pic
Digital Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has urged police and the Election Commission to investigate claims by Kedah Perikatan Nasional chief Datuk Seri Sanusi Md Nor that voters were being paid to return to vote in the Padang Serai election. - Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Digital Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has urged police and the Election Commission to investigate claims by Kedah Perikatan Nasional chief Datuk Seri Sanusi Md Nor that voters were being paid to return to vote in the Padang Serai election.

Fahmi said Sanusi's claims, which he made at a ceramah in padang Serai last night, were dangerous.

He said the claims, which intimated that money politics was involved in the Dec 7 election, warranted an immediate investigation.

"(It's in the form of) money ya, RM50 or RM100 and the like, whether it's being hidden in the form of 'funds' to return (to vote).

"I believe his statement to be dangerous and needs to be investigated by police and the EC because I fear this is money politics (and it's) becoming more rampant and being made to be 'permissible'.

"But we know that this is a form of bribery so that voters will pick a certain party, which is why I am asking the authorities to take action and immediately (Sanusi's) statement," he said in a video clip uploaded on his Twitter account.

It was reported earlier that Sanusi had said last night that voters were "stupid" and an embarassment for asking for money to return home to cast their ballots.