Road Transport Department (RTD) deputy director-general (strategy and operations) Zamakhshari Hanipah (centre) with is officers showing the vehicle registration plates during a press conference Penang RTD headquarters in Seberang Jaya. -NSTP/Nur Izzati Mohamad
Road Transport Department (RTD) deputy director-general (strategy and operations) Zamakhshari Hanipah (centre) with is officers showing the vehicle registration plates during a press conference Penang RTD headquarters in Seberang Jaya. -NSTP/Nur Izzati Mohamad

BUTTERWORTH: The Road Transport Department (RTD) has managed to collect RM203.88 million through the implementation of the JPJebid online bidding system, which was introduced in April last year.

RTD deputy director-general (strategy and operations) Zamakhshari Hanipah said the collections involved 158 serial numbers for vehicle registration, which were opened to the public and companies for bidding.

"From April to December last year, we managed to collect RM61.96 million nationwide involving 54 serial numbers for vehicle registration through the JPJebid online bidding system.

"From January until today, we have managed to collect RM141.92 million nationwide involving 104 serial numbers for vehicle registration, hence proving that the response to the JPJebid online bidding system for unique vehicle registration is overwhelming despite the country being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic," he said.

He said this at a press conference to announce the bidding for the PPP serial numbers and the RTD services' digitalisation initiative at the state RTD headquarters here today.

On Nov 5, the PPP serial numbers for Penang were opened for bidding through the JPJebid online bidding system from midnight to 11.59pm on Nov 9.

Zamakhshari said the PPP serial numbers for vehicle registration which was opened for five days managed to collect the highest revenue at RM7.3 million, surpassing the SYG serial numbers before this at RM3.6 million.

"The highest bidding price for the PPP1 serial number was won by a businessman with a bid of RM260,000.

"The second highest bid was for the PPP9 serial number at RM160,000 while the third highest bid was for the PPP6 serial number at RM140,000," he added.

A total of 315,758 people registered to stand a chance to get the PPP serial numbers.

Meanwhile, Zamakhshari said the RTD expected the people to benefit from the opening of another 50 kiosks as announced in the 2021 Budget from June next year as part of embracing new normal practices post-Covid-19.

"During the tabling of the budget, it was announced that RTD's online services will be expanded through the addition of kiosks in 50 strategic locations nationwide.

"We are in the process of identifying these strategic locations and the needs in a particular area before calling for tender. We expect the kiosk services to begin in June next year," he added.