Kedahans have spread far and wide in their quest for fortune. It is time for them to come back to Kedah to help us develop the state said Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir. (NSTP/SHARUL HAFIZ ZAM)
Kedahans have spread far and wide in their quest for fortune. It is time for them to come back to Kedah to help us develop the state said Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir. (NSTP/SHARUL HAFIZ ZAM)

ALOR STAR: Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir said the state is in need of a strong and capable workforce to meet future development challenges.

He said the return of Kedahans who are working in other states, especially in the Klang Valley, would help make this a reality.

"Kedahans have spread far and wide in their quest for fortune. It is time for them to come back to Kedah to help us develop the state.

“With the many development projects we have lining up, there will be ample jobs in the state to cater for these returning Kedahans,” he said this in his speech at an event to handover federal assistance to Tamil vernacular schools (SJKT) in the state.

Today, 51 SJKT in the state received RM4,585 million, as allocated by the Education Ministry for Tamil schools development.

“This proves that the Pakatan Harapan government values the contribution of these schools.

“Kedah needs all the manpower it can get to help build the state's economy. Tamil schools can play an important role in creating an educated and capable human capital to contribute to Kedah’s progress.” he said.