Nur Humayra Mohd Zaki and her mother Haliza Ismail, at Gleneagles Hospital in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. -NSTP/Rohanis Shukri
Nur Humayra Mohd Zaki and her mother Haliza Ismail, at Gleneagles Hospital in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. -NSTP/Rohanis Shukri

KUALA LUMPUR: A 4-year-old girl is in need of funds to undergo immediate surgery at the Gleneagles Hospital here.

Nur Humayra Mohd Zaki was diagnosed with a hole-in-the-heart at birth.

She has a ventricular septial defect (a hole in between her pumping chambers), an atrial septal defect (a hole in between the upper chambers) and right ventricular outflow tract obstruction.

Nur Humayra’s mother, housewife Haliza Ismail, 44, said her child must undergo surgery to close the hole in her heart and to relieve the blockage of blood flow to her lungs.

The surgery costs RM60,000.

Nur Humayra was diagnosed with a hole-in-the-heart at birth, but her parents could not afford the cost of surgery.

Her father Mohd Zaki Jaafar, 56, earns RM800 per month for village work at their home in Kampung Aril Pauh in Kota Baru, Kelantan.

“Nur Humayra is now four, and at 12kg she is small for her age, has low immunity and falls sick easily. She tires easily and is frequently short of breath.”

Haliza said that doctors told her that the operation would significantly improve her daughter’s life expectancy and quality of life.

Nur Humayra is now at Gleneagles where she is waiting to undergo her operation.

Those who wish to donate can send cheques made payable to the Media Prima-NSTP Humanitarian Fund, with the patient’s name written on the reverse side to: The Group Corporate Communications Department, Media Prima Bhd, Level 1, Anjung Riong, Balai Berita, 31 Jalan Riong, 59100 Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.

The public can also deposit donations to Maybank current account number 5141-0532-3170 and indicate the patient’s name.