Teakwood is ideal for furniture as it has natural oils that make it water-resistant and durable. PIC BY AMRAN HAMID
Teakwood is ideal for furniture as it has natural oils that make it water-resistant and durable. PIC BY AMRAN HAMID

KANGAR: Local furniture maker Datuk Muhamad Takyudin Hashim, 56, hopes more local entrepreneurs would explore opportunities in the teakwood industry and study its socio-economic potential.

Takyudin, who has been in the teakwood furniture industry for 20 years, is the managing director of MTH Alam Jati Elegen which specialises in making teakwood furniture.

Born in Yan, Kedah, he said it was his love of nature and landscapes from young that motivated him to pursue a career in the teak furniture-making business.

“Anyone who grew up in Kedah usually has a strong affinity with nature because the state is all about wide open spaces, rice fields, rolling hills and dense tropical jungles.

“It was my love for nature that got me into my first landscaping business with MTH Enterprise.

“I was initially involved in doing landscaping projects all over Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. I like making our natural surroundings look more beautiful and pleasing,” he said.

He decided to go into the furniture business with MTH Jati Elegen when he discovered the business potential of the trees that had been felled.

“When I was doing landscaping before, part of my job was cutting down trees. It then occurred to me to turn the trunks into furniture instead of just throwing them away.”

Takyudin said he learnt more about the furniture-making industry from visiting neighbouring countries like Thailand and Indonesia.

“I saw the beautiful teakwood furniture that was produced there. It was then that I saw the potential of using Malay designs for teakwood products in the local furniture market. That’s how my company MTH Alam Jati Elegen was born,” he said.

Datuk Muhamad Takyudin Hashim
Datuk Muhamad Takyudin Hashim

He said teakwood was the best choice for furniture because of its durability and beauty.

“I decided to focus on teakwood because to me it is one of the best wood species in the world.

“God has bestowed us with this gift, making teak trees grow in abundance in our country.”

He said there was a growing demand for teak furniture both at home and abroad.

“Teak has natural oils that both protect it and make it water-resistant and durable,” he said.

He urged farmers to explore the vast business potential of the local teakwood industry.

“The growing teak industry can open doors for farmers to become entrepreneurs. They can plant teak trees on their lands and hopefully produce quality furniture items in the future.

“If more people are willing to grab this opportunity, we can create more teak entrepreneurs,” he said.