Political conflict is the main reason why the Malays and Muslims in the country are weak and disunited, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. -- NSTP/KHAIRUNISAH LOKMAN.
Political conflict is the main reason why the Malays and Muslims in the country are weak and disunited, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. -- NSTP/KHAIRUNISAH LOKMAN.

MELAKA: Political conflict is the main reason why the Malays and Muslims in the country are weak and disunited, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The prime minister said although Muslims in the country adhered to the interpretations of the Sunnis Wal Jamaah, which is consistent with the teachings of the Imam Shafie sect, conflicts exist because of political differences.

"For hundreds of years, our Islamic faith had remained intact, which is the Sunnis Wal Jamaah, but when politics get in the way, some are accused of being Muslims, and some are not, and this has split us.

"Although we embrace one religion and one faith, we are now seriously divided and weakened. We now have six (political parties). There is no more Malay majority in politics," he said.

Dr Mahathir said this during a dialogue session with students of institutes of higher learning (IPT) in conjunction with the Townhall Semarak Merdeka with the Perdana Menteri at Hatten Hotel here today.

The programme, attended by about 2,000 guests, was organised by the state exco.

Dr Mahathir said Muslims were now lagging behind in various fields, including economy, which eventually would be dominated by other races.

"If we do not correct ourselves (holding on to Islamic teachings), we will be left further behind and this country will no longer be ours," he added.

To a question on his recent official visit to Turkey, Dr Mahathir said he was quite impressed with the Islamic state which he considered to be advanced. The people were capable, diligent and skilled in various fields, he said.

"To me, Turkey is already a developed country. The Turkish people are highly skilled, efficient, and able to build airplanes, fighters, drones and their own multi-storey homes.

"The development in Turkey is much better than Malaysia’s. All these are the result of the commitment shown by the Turkish people when they do things," he said.