Jaujan, who is also Minister of state Housing and Local Government, also questioned the regulations used to allow the word MONYET to be used on the vest, which would be worn as a punishment for litterbugs. Pic by NSTP/Courtesy of NSTP readers
Jaujan, who is also Minister of state Housing and Local Government, also questioned the regulations used to allow the word MONYET to be used on the vest, which would be worn as a punishment for litterbugs. Pic by NSTP/Courtesy of NSTP readers

KOTA KINABALU: The use of a vest with the word MONYET embossed on it as part of trash pick-up sentence in Semporna is an extreme punishment, says Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Jaujan Sambakong.

Jaujan, who is also Minister of state Housing and Local Government, also questioned the regulations used to allow the word MONYET to be used on the vest, which would be worn as a punishment for litterbugs.

“I understand and can accept if a litterbug is sentenced to pick up trash as part of community service. However, I cannot comprehend why the need to use such vests. Isn’t this extreme?

“We know this is a drastic action being enforced due to the garbage problem in the district but the use of MONYET vest is unacceptable,” he told NSTP when contacted today.

He further said although the objective of the punishment is good, the use of such vests would degrade one’s dignity.

Jaujan then praised the approach taken by Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) here in ensuring Kampung Sembulan to remain clean.

“I see that Sembulan is no longer dirty as compared to previous years. Maybe similar approach can be implemented,” he said.

On Jan 10, NSTP reported 12 individuals were sentenced to one-hour trash pick-up, in which they were required to wear MONYET vests.

The punishment received mix reaction from all quarters, with some criticising the move and questioned on the need to shame litterbugs and likened them to an animal.