KUALA LUMPUR: The government’s decision to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination would have ‘disastrous’ effect on the country, said Pas deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.

He said the acceptance of the ratification would bring negative impact on the people, especially on the rights of Bumiputera.

“Objections (to ratify ICERD) were raised during the Barisan Nasional (BN) administration and I hope that Pakatan Harapan (PH) would also oppose to it as it brings huge implications on the nation development.

“If we agree to this, we would have to adopt procedures and terms underlined by ICERD. We fear that the ratification would bring disaster,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby today.

He was commenting on the protest by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) held this morning on the matter.

Over 100 people who participated in the protest marched from Tugu Negara at 10.30am before being stopped by the police at the parliament’s main entrance located about 100 metres away.

Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had earlier led a 10-man team to submit a memorandum to protest the ratification of the treaty to representatives from the Prime Minister’s Department.

The government’s decision to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination would have ‘disastrous’ effect on the country, said Pas deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (left). NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH
The government’s decision to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination would have ‘disastrous’ effect on the country, said Pas deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (left). NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH