Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah at Ipoh Convention Centre today. Pix by L. Manimaran
Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah at Ipoh Convention Centre today. Pix by L. Manimaran

IPOH: Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah called on Muslims and Malaysians to embrace the philosophies in the Constitution of Medina in order to strengthen the unity and generate the country’s prosperity.

He said Constitution of Medina, also known as Charter of Medina, was ahead of its time, forecasting the reality of the world population composition in future.

Sultan Nazrin said it was created in the spirit of the calls in Quran, by accepting God’s creation, apart from striving to understand the hidden meaning of the creation of worshippers of different religions.

“As the country celebrated its independence anniversary; as the people remember the date of the inception of sovereign, peaceful, prosperous and thriving Malaysia, and as we revisit the story of Hijrah, understand, embrace, the spirit of unity behind the establishment of Charter of Medina.

“The same goes with the philosophy of unification in diversity stated in the Federal Constitution. The unity among Muslims must be strengthened, unity among the people of different religions and races must be nurtured in efforts to build a calm and harmonious life to develop a peaceful and prosperous country,” said Sultan Nazrin in his address today at the state-level Maal Hijrah 1440 celebration themed ‘Perpaduan Ummah dan Penyatuan Rakyat’ (Solidarity of Ummah and Unity of People).

Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah at Ipoh Convention Centre today. Bernama Photo
Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah at Ipoh Convention Centre today. Bernama Photo

Sultan Nazrin said the leaders who founded a sovereign country were being pragmatic by accepting the reality of a diversed population composition.

He said the constitution was established based on such population composition with justice, protection and rights were assured to each of the individuals.

“The principle of toleration and spirit of respecting the many religions were stated in Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution (which read) ‘Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation’,” he said.

Gracing the event were Raja Permaisuri Perak, Tuanku Zara Salim; Raja Muda, Raja Jaafar Raja Muda Musa and Raja Dihilir Perak, Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain Sultan Idris.

Also present was Menteri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu.

During the event, Amanah party adviser and former president of the Malaysian Ulama Association (PUM), Ahmad Awang, 82, was presented the “Tokoh Maal Hijrah” award, while famous cartoonist Datuk Mohammad Nor Khalid, 67, popularly known as ‘Lat’ was awarded the special award ‘Tokoh Ar-Ridzuan’.

They each received RM10,000, umrah package worth RM7,000, medal, certificate and a plaque.