GEORGE TOWN: About 50 people from several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) took to the street today to hold a peaceful protest against the new Pakatan Harapan (PH) Federal government for failure to fulfil its 100 Days Manifesto.

The group led by Civil and Human Rights Movement Malaysia (CHARM) gathered nearby a supermarket at Jalan Datuk Keramat wearing black t-shirts and held the protest for about one hour holding ‘PH Fitnah’, ‘Mana Janji Hapuskan Toll’ placards.

CHARM vice president Datin Hasnah Abdul Rahman said the disgruntled people may give the government more time to fulfil their promises, but the people will not accept lies.

“Do not lie and say the manifesto is not a Bible. That is not right. Manifesto has influenced voters to vote for them.

“Do what can be done first, we can give time. But this is an arrogant government, they are not even being apologetic towards the people. They only dig out the mistakes from the previous government but what is the improvement made so far?

“What is more worrying is that Malaysia is becoming a pariah country, we are making enemies with Singapore and (Arab) Saudi. We are going down and the government is not acknowledging it,” she said at a press conference after the protest.

Abolition of GST, stabilisation of fuel prices, postponement of the National Higher Education Fund Corporation’s (PTPTN) loans, investigations into 1Malaysia Development Bhd, and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributions for housewives were among the immediate accomplishments under the PH’s manifesto of 10 promises.

However, not all of the 10 promises were fulfilled in the 100 days.

Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM) adviser Datuk Huan Cheng Guan who was also at the protest said the government had failed to deliver its manifesto.

He cited examples of PTPTN loans yet to be resolved, failure to reduce price of petroleum and failure to abolish tolls in the country.​

“Their manifesto has become a tomato, useless.

“Worse than that, investors are reluctant to invest here anymore as they see the new government will not keep its words,” he added.

Some of the protesters holding placards as they staged a peaceful protest against the new Pakatan Harapan (PH) Federal government for failure to fulfil its 100 Days Manifesto in Jalan Datuk Keramat. Pic by SHAHNAZ FAZLIE SHAHRIZAL
Some of the protesters holding placards as they staged a peaceful protest against the new Pakatan Harapan (PH) Federal government for failure to fulfil its 100 Days Manifesto in Jalan Datuk Keramat. Pic by SHAHNAZ FAZLIE SHAHRIZAL