TH Haj senior general manager and Haj delegation chief Datuk Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman. (File Pix)
TH Haj senior general manager and Haj delegation chief Datuk Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman. (File Pix)

MECCA: With Masyair less than 10 days away, this year’s haj season has entered its critical phase, the head of Malaysia’s 1438H haj delegation Datuk Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman said.

“We have moved into the period of haj’s climax. We must ensure everything proceeds smoothly. This will be our focus moving forward,” he said in a special address to Tabung Haji (TH) officers in the Holy Land.

The TH gathering at Abraj Al-Janadriyah here, streamed live to TH offices in Madinah and Jeddah, was attended by all operation directors, maktab managers and TH officers.

Masyair – when pilgrims gather at Arafah, Muzdalifah and Mina from 8 to 13 Zulhijjah and perform the necessary rituals – is a necessary condition to complete one’s haj.

Syed Saleh reminded TH officers from the various departments to do their best, be proactive and fulfil their respective tasks.

“It will be challenging because of the increase in pilgrims this year. We can expect traffic jams on the roads, and crowded tents in Arafah and Mina,” he added.

The Saudi government restored the pilgrim quota of most countries for this year’s haj season, which is expected to see a total of two million worshippers. Malaysia’s haj quota is 30,200.

Syed Saleh said so far, 84 per cent of Malaysian pilgrims have arrived in the Holy Land, with 16 more incoming flights expected within the next few days.

He said haj pilgrims and TH officers should take care of their health in the days ahead, to avoid complications that could disrupt their worship in Arafah and Mina.

“Remember our oath to serve the dhuyufurrahman (Allah’s guests). Serve with patience and a smile. Rest assured, our work is of value to God if we are sincere and have the right intention,” Syed Saleh said.

He added that TH’s management of the haj is recognised globally, and has consistently won praise from pilgrims and Saudi authorities.

“We are thankful for this and should continue to improve. The responsibility we are entrusted with is pure. Insya-Allah a great reward will await us in the Hereafter. May Allah protect us and bless our work,” Syed Saleh said.