An attempt by a group of Vietnamese fishermen to trespass national waters while Muslims were busy preparing to celebrate Aidilfitri failed when it was detected by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, yesterday. PIC COURTESY OF MMEA
An attempt by a group of Vietnamese fishermen to trespass national waters while Muslims were busy preparing to celebrate Aidilfitri failed when it was detected by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, yesterday. PIC COURTESY OF MMEA

KUALA TERENGGANU: An attempt by a group of Vietnamese fishermen to trespass national waters while Muslims were busy preparing to celebrate Aidilfitri failed when it was detected by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA), yesterday.

Terengganu Maritime director Maritime Captain Khairulanuar Abd Majid, said the foreign fishing boat involved was detained by a patrol vessel that was conducting Ops Naga Barat patrols at a position 106 nautical miles from the waters of Kuala Terengganu.

He said the inspection found six foreign fishermen, including a skipper, aged between 20 and 50 years old.

"All the fishermen involved were arrested after they failed to present valid identification documents and work permits.

"They also did not have permission to fish from the Fisheries Department," he said in a statement today.

Khairulanuar said following the arrest, his party confiscated the boat, fishing equipment, seafood and diesel fuel supply with the total value of the seizure estimated at more than RM1 million.

According to him, the arrest is the sixth involving Vietnamese fishing boats trespassing in the country's waters this year.

"The last arrest was made at the beginning of this month involving three Vietnamese fishing boats with 18 crew," he said.

He said MMEA will continue to strengthen patrols during the festive season and hunt down foreign fishing boats that try to profit from local seafood.

"The case is being investigated according to the Fisheries Act 1985 for fishing in Malaysian waters without the permission of the Director of Fisheries Malaysia and the Immigration Act 1959/63 for not having identity documents," he said.