KUALA LUMPUR: McDonald's Malaysia today said it will withdraw its brand defamation legal suit against pro-Palestinian group Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Malaysia.

Last December, Gerbang Alaf Restaurants Sdn Bhd, the licensee of McDonald's in Malaysia, demanded BDS Malaysia to issue an apology over alleged defamatory statements and RM6 million in special damages.

McDonald's Malaysia managing director and local operating partner Datuk Azmir Jaafar in a statement today said it filed a brand defamation legal suit to ensure McDonald's Malaysia's position on the Middle East conflict was made clear.

"With the positive outcome of the mediation and clarifications made by BDS in their recent statements, acknowledging that the actions of McDonald's operator in Israel are wholly independent of McDonald's Malaysia, we will be withdrawing the legal suit," he said.

Azmir added that their stance remains firm in not supporting nor being complicit in any conflicts or wars.

"Having operated for more than four decades in Malaysia and being a 100 per cent Muslim-owned business, we are proud to be a member of the local community– unwavering in our commitment to transparency," he said.

Azmir added that McDonald's Malaysia remains committed to aiding Palestinians affected by the conflict by contributing to the Palestine Humanitarian Fund and organising employee fundraising activities to further assist relief efforts in Gaza.

"We hope that the decision made today will allow all parties to move forward and focus on finding a resolution that upholds justice," he said.

McDonald’s Malaysia today said it will withdraw its brand defamation legal suit against pro-Palestinian group Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Malaysia. - NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH
McDonald’s Malaysia today said it will withdraw its brand defamation legal suit against pro-Palestinian group Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Malaysia. - NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH