Larry Sng during a visit to his constituency during Chinese New Year. -NSTP/MELVIN JONI
Larry Sng during a visit to his constituency during Chinese New Year. -NSTP/MELVIN JONI

JULAU: Police have arrested four men suspected of threatening Julau MP Datuk Larry Sng as they were dissatisfied with the angpow they received from him.

In a statement, Julau District Police Chief, Deputy Superintendent Andam Sulin said the four men were arrested on Monday evening, a day after Sng lodged a report on the incident.

He said the incident happened after the four men confronted Sng during a visit to the constituency in conjunction with Chinese New Year.

The men told Sng they were unhappy with the RM5 angpow they received from him.

Sng then offered to give the men more money, but they refused.

The suspects then took out RM10 from their own pockets and put it in the angpow packet and returned it to Sng to show their dissatisfaction and embarrass him.

Andam said investigations were still ongoing and that the suspects have been remanded for three days.

The case is being probed under Section 506 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation which carries a maximum jail sentence of two years or a fine or both.

Meanwhile, in a Facebook post today, Sng said there was a misinterpretation of the events which transpired that day.

He said the men, who he described as gangsters approached him as he was leaving the Pakan district officer's house.

"(They) surrounded me and said the (angpow) amount was too small and expressed their displeasure. I agreed and told them that next year I will prepare more.

"They then asked for RM500 which I agreed to bank in to someone they know. As I entered the car, they refused to disperse and they started arguing with my supporters."

Sng said one of the men even pushed a Tuai Rumah on the ground.

He said the group's leader even told a member of his entourage that they had weapons in their car and planned to attack him.

"For my personal safety and for those around me, I went straight to the police station to lodge a report."