The decomposing body of a Canadian woman was found in her home in Synergey Square, here, today.
The decomposing body of a Canadian woman was found in her home in Synergey Square, here, today.

PADAWAN: The decomposing body of a Canadian woman was found in her home in Synergey Square, here, today.

The remains were found lying among boxes of tissue which were strewn around the room.

District police chief Superintedent Abang Zainal Abidin Abang Ahmad said police made the find after receiving a report of a foul smell coming from inside.

He said a neighbour had reported the stench and police who arrived on the scene had to break into the unit on the ground floor of Block G about 4pm.

"When the police team from the Batu Kawa station managed to open the door, the immediately saw boxes of tissue lying strewn across the floor and the body of the woman among the boxes.

"The remains were already decomposing at the time of the discovery," he said.

Abang Zainal said the neighbour who had lodged the report told police the woman, identified through her Canadian passport as Tan Orr Har, 82, had been renting the unit for about 10 years.

He said there were no signs of foul play involved, despite the discovery of a sharp object on Tan's bed.

However, police have sent the remains to the Sarawak General Hospital for post-mortem examination.

Aband Zainal said efforts were now underway to trace Tan's next of kin and urged anyone with information to contact the nearest police station to facilitate investigations.