-NSTP file pic
-NSTP file pic

KOTA SAMARAHAN: An army personnel died after he was believed to have been stabbed to death by his wife with a vegetable knife.

Kota Samarahan District Police Chief Deputy Sudirman Kram said the case came to light after the Kota Samarahan District Police Headquarters (IPD) Operations Room received information from Sarawak General Hospital (HUS) involving a man who was taken to the hospital for treatment for a knife stab wound on the thigh.

He said initial investigation found that there was a fight between the victim, 28, and his wife, 24, at their residence at Penrissen Camp here at about 10.30pm last night.

"Because of the fight, the wife used a vegetable knife to scare the husband, but ended up stabbing the victim in the thigh, causing a lot of bleeding.

"The victim was then rushed to HUS for treatment and was pronounced dead by the HUS Medical Officer," he said in a statement today.

Sudirman said the couple has one child.

He said the victim's wife was later arrested at HUS at about 2.24am.

Also seized was a vegetable knife and the suspect's clothes, which she was wearing during the incident.

Sudirman said the suspect was currently detained at the Kota Samarahan Police Station lock-up for remand application.

He added further investigation will be carried out under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder.