A man was cheated of RM35,600 by a scam syndicate in Kuantan.
A man was cheated of RM35,600 by a scam syndicate in Kuantan.

KUANTAN: A 26-year-old technician became RM35,600 poorer last Sunday after falling for a Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) ruse.

Police said in the Aug 4 incident, the victim said a man, claiming to be from the Kuala Terengganu magistrate's court, had demanded him to be present in court over an outstanding credit card balance.

Pahang Commercial Crime Investigation Department chief Superintendent Mohd Wazir Mohd Yusof said after that, the victim received another call from a "policeman" who accused him of being involved in money laundering and drug related activities.

"The bogus policeman then connected the call to a "woman police inspector" who told the victim to provide his bank account details for verification purposes. The victim obliged and even gave her the TAC number.

"A few minutes later, the victim received an SMS saying that he had made three transactions amounting RM35,600 from his account to an unknown account using an online application.

"Upon realising that he had been duped, he lodged a police report at the district police station," he said.

Wazir said the case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating, which provides for a maximum jail term of 10 years and whipping, and a fine if convicted.