The Sarawak General Operations Force (PGA) has busted a smuggling syndicate dealing in fireworks and firecrackers, ahead of the Chinese New Year celebrations. (STR/MELVIN JONI)
The Sarawak General Operations Force (PGA) has busted a smuggling syndicate dealing in fireworks and firecrackers, ahead of the Chinese New Year celebrations. (STR/MELVIN JONI)

KUCHING: The Sarawak General Operations Force (PGA) has busted a smuggling syndicate dealing in fireworks and firecrackers, ahead of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

The latest modus operandi of using a bird nest house to hide the banned items was uncovered in a raid at Kampung Sorak Melayu, Serian, last Saturday.

The 6:20pm raid followed a week-long intelligence and surveillance at the location, believed to also double up as a transit point before the firecrackers and fireworks were sent to a network of distributors in the city.

Sarawak PGA commander Datuk Khaw Kok Chin said the special operation, Ops Libas, involved an officer and 12 intelligence officers from the 11th Battalion of Sarawak PGA, together with four officers from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

"Following the raid, 82 boxes containing firecrackers and fireworks of various types estimated to be worth RM80,000 before tax, were seized" he told a media conference here yesterday.

Khaw said in the raid, two local men aged 51 and 55 who claimed to be the owners of the bird's nest home, were also arrested.

During questioning, the men even had the nerve to offer a bribe to the officers on duty, he added.

"They not only failed to produce documents to proof that they have paid the tax for the firecrackers and fireworks, but one of them called 'Mr Wong' offered a RM7,000 bribe to avoid being charged.

"They were arrested for attempting to offer a bribe under Section 17 (b) of the MACC Act 2009," he added.

Kok Chin said the case was also investigated under Section 135 (1) (D) of the Customs Act 1969 for possessing, carrying, transporting, hiding and selling firecrackers or fireworks without permission.