The teenagers, aged 16, admitted to the crime and later taken to the district police station for further action. Pix courtesy of PDRM
The teenagers, aged 16, admitted to the crime and later taken to the district police station for further action. Pix courtesy of PDRM

KULIM: Three teenage boys will be spending the night in the lock-up after they were caught red-handed robbing a man near the Kulim wet market yesterday morning.

District police chief Superintendent Ahmad Nasir Jaafar said in the 5.30am incident, two policemen were patrolling the area when they overheard a scream and decided to have a check.

"They then saw a man holding a dark object while grabbing another man's backpack. Two other men were waiting nearby on a motorcycle.

"Upon seeing the policemen approaching, they sped off with the victim's backpack," he said, when contacted today.

Ahmad Nasir said his men then got on their motorcycles and chased after the suspects.

After a two-kilometre chase, the policemen managed to apprehend all of them near Jalan Kilang Sagu.

He said the teenagers, aged 16, admitted to the crime and later taken to the district police station for further action.

"We recovered the bag and RM29 cash belonging to the victim, in his 30s." he said.

He added that police seized a 58cm-long steel pipe, used earlier to threaten the victim; motorcycles used in the robbery and the suspects' mobile phones.

The case is being investigated under Section 395 of the Penal Code for gang-robbery.