Federal police Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani revealed that an estimated RM4.4 billion in losses had been uncovered by police involving 24 investment scheme between July 2013 and September this year. Pix by Mohd Yusni Ariffin
Federal police Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani revealed that an estimated RM4.4 billion in losses had been uncovered by police involving 24 investment scheme between July 2013 and September this year. Pix by Mohd Yusni Ariffin

KUALA LUMPUR: An estimated RM4.4 billion in losses had been uncovered by police involving 24 investment scheme between July 2013 and September this year.

Federal police Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said during the same period, police had received more than 2,500 reports involving total losses of RM362 million, involving such schemes.

Police however believe that the actual number of victims who actually fell pray to such schemes could be more than 1.7 million people.

“We had repeatedly reminded members of the public not to fall for such scheme... There is no genuine investment (scheme) that offers high returns in such a short time,” he said.

The CCID today revealed the list of 24 entities that is being investigated and closely monitored by the department.

Leading the list is JJ Poor to Rich (JJPTR) investment scheme with some 500,000 victims, involving losses of up to an estimated RM1.2 billion.

However, to date, only 14 reports involving the secheme was lodged, involving RM78, 660 losses. Police have thus far opened 10 investigation papers in connection to the case.

In May, three men including the mastermind of JJPTR had been nabbed.

The Mface or MBI Group International came second on the list, involving estimated losses of some RM700 million. Police believe some 350,000 people have become victims but only two reports had been lodged.

The cases involving MBI had been taken over by the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry as they have the appropriate law to deal with it.

Another investment scheme identified by police with at least losses amounting to some RM560 million, involving upto 500,000 victims is the ‘ Bit Coin - Bit Kingdom’ investment scheme. To date, the department had only received 28 reports involving of RM776,946 losses for the scheme.

Other schemes indentified include Crude Palm Oil, Mekah Islamic Hotel, GM Friday and Monspace.

Acryl urged the public to come forward should they think they have been conned by such scheme.

He stressed that there is no investment scheme that could promise more than 10 per cent returns a month.

In a related matter, Acryl said police have arrested two men and a woman at two locations in Penang yesterday in connection with an investment case which offers victims cosmetic products through social media.

The deposits paid by the victims would be invested in Exorbitance Influence Sdn Bhd or Krubal.

There were several packages offered by the company priced between RM350 and RM55,350.

For basic packages, it cost between RM350 to RM2350, Deluxe packages would cost RM5,350, VIP package priced at RM10,350, VVIP at RM25,350 and President package at RM55,350.

Investors were promised a 100 per cent return after three month and gold bar depending on the packages chosen.

The arrests were made following 105 reports lodged claiming that they were cheated of RM788,901 by the company.

Police also seized four luxury vehicles, four laptops, and related documents.