Filipinos (second from right) Abdul Rasah, Abdul Rahman Ebnul and Alkubar Hamjan sentence to 20, 14 and 12 months jail for possessing and selling green turtle eggs. Bernama Photo
Filipinos (second from right) Abdul Rasah, Abdul Rahman Ebnul and Alkubar Hamjan sentence to 20, 14 and 12 months jail for possessing and selling green turtle eggs. Bernama Photo

SANDAKAN: Three Filipinos have been jailed for possessing and selling green turtle eggs here.

Sessions Judge Ummu Khalton Abd Samad meted out a sentence of 20 months’ jail to Abdul Rahman Ebnul, 34; 14 months to Alkubar Hamjan, 33; and 12 months to Abdul Rasah,60.

The trio were charged with committing the offence under Section 41(1) Wildlife Conservation Enactment 1997.

After serving their sentence, the trio will then be referred to the Immigration Department.

On Aug 7, the trio were arrested separately between 11.30am and 12.15pm at Jalan Pryer and Jalan Buli Sim-Sim during an integrated operation to nab individuals selling and buying turtle eggs.

Alkubar was caught with 83 eggs belonging to the green sea turtle species, while the other two were each nabbed with 23 and 130 turtle eggs, respectively. The eggs were believed to be for sale.

The green turtle or Chelonia mydas is listed as protected marine species under the Part 1 of the Schedule 1 of Wildlife Conservation Enactment 1997.

The court ordered the seized eggs to be buried and other items to be disposed.

The case was prosecuted by Sabah Wildlife Department prosecuting officer Abdul Karim Dakog.