(file pix) A girl who was raped by two men about four months ago lodged police report after she discovered her pictures circulating in Whatsapp messages.
(file pix) A girl who was raped by two men about four months ago lodged police report after she discovered her pictures circulating in Whatsapp messages.

KINABATANGAN: A girl who was raped by two men about four months ago lodged police report after she discovered her pictures circulating in Whatsapp messages.

The Form Five student was told by her teacher to make a police report when the school found out about the incident.

District police chief Superintendent A. Sahak Rahmat said on April 1, the girl was called by two teenage boys to discuss something at the back of the school.

“The girl was forced into an abandoned hut at palm oil plantation area.

“She was raped and told not to tell the school teachers about the incident,” he said, adding that one of the boys had also taken pictures of the girl, which they then circulated among their friends.

Sahak added they had arrested the boys, aged 16 and 17.

Both will be investigated under Section 375B of the Penal Code for gang rape, which provides for imprisonment of not less than ten years and not more than thirty years.

The girl was brought to Kota Kinabatangan hospital and later referred to Duchess of Kent Hospital in Sandakan for examination.