Mangrove and nipah trees in Setiu Wetlands. With advances in technology such as sensors, the monitoring of seedlings in replanting efforts will be more efficiently managed.
Mangrove and nipah trees in Setiu Wetlands. With advances in technology such as sensors, the monitoring of seedlings in replanting efforts will be more efficiently managed.
“Essentially, the partnership is to find ways to use technology to preserve the ecosystem in Setiu Wetlands.” Sebastian Barros
“Essentially, the partnership is to find ways to use technology to preserve the ecosystem in Setiu Wetlands.” Sebastian Barros
In a more connected ecosystem, fishermen will be able to boost productivity and efficiency.
In a more connected ecosystem, fishermen will be able to boost productivity and efficiency.

Plans are afoot to digitally transform the lives of the communities in and around Setiu, Terengganu, writes Hanna Sheikh Mokhtar

HAVE you ever wondered about how that delicious steamed grouper you’re having for dinner landed on your dinner table? It could have been caught by fishermen off the coast of Terengganu.

In the past, fishermen had it tough. They couldn’t go to sea if it was stormy, and most had to rely on traditional methods to find the schools of fish, by watching the surface of the sea to observe disturbed wave patterns.

Even if they have sonar equipment, these small boats would have to traverse vast areas of the sea to locate the fish. After travelling for hours, it would be a pity if they had to turn back because of bad weather.

Wouldn’t it be great if there is a smartphone application that provides information about the weather, wind, water temperature and most importantly, the plankton grounds?

That may be the future for the fishing communities in and around Setiu, Terengganu, once the partnership between Ericsson and YayasanDiraja Sultan Mizan (YDSM) kicks off at the end of this year. It will see the use of information and communication technology (ICT) connecting the fishermen within their community. They can then share the necessary information and activities.

With the use of an app and ICT, fishermen in Setiu can cut down on the time spent at sea and increase their catch. They will feel safer at sea and be able to plan their fishing trips instead of blindly heading out to sea every time.


Still in its development stage, the Connected Nelayan app is part of the Connected Setiu Wetlands project which aims to preserve the environment through sustainable practices for fisheries, agriculture and tourism to drive the local economies.

Under this project, Ericsson and YDSM intend to explore six main areas: Mobile broadband for all, connected agriculture, intelligent fisheries, enhanced education and digital ecotourism.

This is aimed at providing sustainable solutions which the people in Setiu can make use of for a positive economic, environmental and social impact.

Sebastian Barros, vice president, Key Account of Ericsson Malaysia, said: “Essentially, the partnership is to find ways to use technology to preserve the ecosystem in Setiu Wetlands. It is one of the largest wetlands areas in the peninsula and has a rich wildlife in rivers, lakes and seaside. It is quite a big area for bird watching. There are lots of agriculture-related industries: Palm-oil, mangrove plantations and rice fields. There are a lot of fish too, and interestingly enough, Setiu is a big producer of grouper fish. It’s an interesting area but because of progress itself, the ecosystem will be damaged. We have to find a balance between technology and progress, and make the growth in the Setiu Wetlands area more sustainable.”


As part of the initiative, Celcom Axiata has been roped in to provide mobile broadband for all. This entails setting up more high-speed internet access in the Setiu Wetlands areas and the surrounding countryside. Once this is established, other initiatives will fall into place.

“Together with the Connected Nelayan app, fishermen in the Setiu Wetlands area will be supplied with a smartphone kit each, consisting of a smartphone, the relevant applications and platform, and data plan to assist them in improving productivity while building on the safety factor,” said Barros.


For those setting up fish farms in the rivers or lakes, the initiative aims to provide them with a remote monitoring system to track water quality via sensors. This will improve productivity and encourage the fish farmers be more proactive and take preventive action based on changes in the water quality as according to the app.

The same goes for agriculture and plantations. To sustain the wetlands area has proved to be easier said than done. Many mangrove replanting initiatives face challenges. The one at Sabak Bernam, Selangor is an example.

Though seedlings are planted on a large scale, only a small number actually survive long enough to mature and reproduce. Sensors placed in the water or mud where the seedlings are planted can detect pollution or changes in the water quality that can affect sustainability. These sensors are procured locally. Even though they are cheaper, Barros said they are at par, if not better, in terms of quality and technology with the imported versions.


Barros admits that the biggest hurdle is the language barrier that exists in Setiu Wetlands community.

To overcome this issue, they aim to empower the community with skills and knowledge. Together with third-party education providers, the Enhanced Education initiative sees Ericsson and YDSM providing mobile and e-learning portals, tablets and content for the community to learn over the internet. The first focus, or course, is to raise the level of English proficiency to enable the people to communicate more effectively on a global level. Everyone in the community, regardless of age or education background, will be encouraged to learn something new online.


Last but not least, a digital platform and a mobile application for tourists will be built to put Terengganu, in particular Setiu Wetlands, on the world map.

Even before they set off, tourists can find out about the various attractions, local delicacies such as keropok lekor, ikan celup tepung (known locally as ICT incidentally) and nasi dagang and where to get them. This will enable the local community to sell their services and goods more efficiently, ultimately transforming the practice into something more sustainable.

The Connected Setiu Wetlands Initiative will enable the community to leverage on ICT and digitally transform their lives.