Penang former assistant secretary to the governor Sir Stamford Raffles did stayed at the 208-year-old Runnymede Bungalow, says George Town Heritage Action group.
Penang former assistant secretary to the governor Sir Stamford Raffles did stayed at the 208-year-old Runnymede Bungalow, says George Town Heritage Action group.

GEORGE TOWN: Sir Stamford Raffles had lived in the Runnymede bungalow until 1810, said a heritage group here today.

This was in response to Mayor Datuk Patahiyah Ismail who had called all parties to prove that Raffles had lived in the recently-torn down seafront home in Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah.

Patahiyah had said there were no records of Raffles living there.

George Town Heritage Action member Mark Lay revealed the Penang Island City Council had documentation proving that Raffles had indeed lived there.

He said a 1988 heritage inventory of Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah compiled by the council and the German Agency for Technical Cooperation had proven this.

“It was also widely reported in the newspapers back then. To answer the mayor’s challenge, the heritage inventory was quite clear,” Lay said at a press conference here today.